Staying healthy during this unprecedented time!

In this time of uncertainty and fear I would like to offer ideas to help maintain good health and boost immunity. Taking care of ourselves is the first step in maintaining wellness. This situation is a good opportunity to reevaluate our lifestyles and choices. This could be the perfect moment to take off work and care for yourself and your family during this time of social distancing.

Fresh air is so important. Even as little as 10 to 15 minutes a few times a day can help your immunity. As we enter into Spring the days are perfect for long walks. A nice long walk in nature can help ease fears and create a feeling of balance. Getting plenty of sleep and taking time to slow down and nurture ourselves will help keep us healthy.

Now is the perfect time to eat a healthy balanced diet. Increase your consumption of anti-oxidant and nutrient dense foods such as blueberries, raspberries, spinach, sprouts, garlic, ginger, parsley, cilantro, celery juice, bone broth and fermented foods and beverages. Limit or better yet avoid sugar intake. Remember to drink lots of water. Adding lemon to our water is an excellent way to increase Vitamin C intake. Herbal teas with anti-viral properties such as Lemonbalm can help flush toxins and boost the immune system. Avoid cold foods and drinks at this time. And of course frequent hand washing is a must!

Stay healthy and take deep breaths.

Seasonal transition and immune support using essential oils

The Autumn equinox has just passed marking the beginning of fall. We begin seeing cooler temperatures and the changing colors of leaves. In Chinese medicine the fall is associated with the Metal Element. The Lung and the Large Intestine are the organs associated with the season and element…

My favorite essential oil for supporting the Lungs and immunity is Eucalyptus radiata….

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